What is The SAT Test

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What is The SAT Test

The SAT has been around since 1926, and still serves as one of the best ways to measure if a student is going to have the academic standards necessary to be successful in college. It will test just about everything that a student has learned in high school and it will be paired with a students record in academics to see how good of a fit they are going to be for potential colleges. It is used by almost every college admissions office around the country to help them decide whether or not students should be admitted to their college.

What Do Students Gain By Taking the SAT?

Most colleges are going to be looking at these scores, or looking for them, when they are deciding if a student is going to be right for their college. It is one of the only ways to really compare students from around the country. Scholarship opportunities will also be available to those that have taken the SAT test too. Students are also going to find that most colleges are going to require the SAT be taken before applying to their admissions office. It is designed to gauge how much a student has learned, and colleges really want to know that information.

Is The SAT Hard?

The SAT is a long test that will definitely require that you are prepared for a long process. 80% of the students that take the test finish almost the entire thing. Out of the students that take the test, 3 out of every 4 questions are answered. Half of the questions on average are answered correctly. Make no mistake, the test can seem like it is a bit overwhelming, but if you paid attention in school you should be able to give it your best shot

Often times you will notice that most teachers and schools prepare their students just for this test when they have the chance. This is because they want the students to succeed and have more options after they leave high school as far as colleges go. All you can do is take what you have learned in high school and answer the questions to the best of your ability.

The Facts About the SAT

The test is going to take roughly 3 hours and 45 minutes. There are going to be 10 different times sections that will consist of critical reading, math, writing, and one extra section that can be any of the 3(which is unscored). There will be an essay question, along with multiple choice questions and some student made responses in the math section. The entire test is machine scored, except for the essay question. That obviously cannot be scored by a machine.